Connecting Stripe as Payment Gateway

First before enabling payment gateway we recommend setting payment policy – how much is requested from guest and when. Please check following article to set payment policies –

Now to enable Stripe as payment gateway your need to get 2 important information from Stripe.

  1. Account ID
  2. API secret key

Account ID is get from Stripe


…Click on Gear (Settings) top right, and then Business settings -> Account settings. Copy account id from top right position…

API Secret key is created from Developers -> API keys -> Create secret key

Now go to WebBookingPro -> Payment Gateways…

If you do not see Stripe as Payment Gateway for your property, please do “Add New” and choose your property and choose Stripe.


Now do “Edit” of new or existing connection…

In API Login: put account ID, and in API Key: put your secret key, click Enable and check with your test reservation.

Tip: You can set secret key with “Test mode” – with this key, you can do simulated payments with simulated credit cards numbers available on Please be careful to put real secure key when you are ready to do real payments.