
Packages are type of service that can be one or several days in length, that include some extra services in price like massage, transfer, bottle of wine and have fixed price for fixed number of persons.

They are visible in Booking engine after normal services like (B&B, Halfboard, FullBoard)




Adding/Modifying Packages is simple via WebBookingPro Administration panel. From the left menu choose “Packages”.

Click on blue “Add New” button to add new package. To Edit existing package click on Edit icon at the end of row of each package. To Delete existing packaged click on Delete icon at the end of each package row.

At least you have to enter Package Name in languages you want. Later you can change – name, description and all other options.

At least set number of nights, number of adults and put some description in e.g. English.

To set price for a package click on [Rooms] in package list.

For a room that you would like to define this package has price – click on [Prices] link. If this package is used on all rooms, you will have to repeat this process for each room type. Usually there is a difference in prices between room types so this applies here also on packages.

Setting price window is similar to setting default price for rooms with regular service – e.g. b&b. You have to set period where package is available, set the price for each starting day of a package. If the price is 0 then package is not available for that day. After clicking Add New you will be returned to same price window but you can now modify all prices and add new or remove some of them.

Packages and prices are immediately visible on Booking engine.