
Next generation Booking Engine

Boost direct bookings with Integrated Booking engine under your website and your domain!


New Age Direct Sales Booking Engine

52% people visit hotel website after viewing on OTA. In that moment it is important to leave good impression, high level of trust and high level (full) brand awareness.

We offer customer loyalty direct in your main Hotel domain. Seamless and engaging guest experience across all digital touchpoints.

Designed to optimize conversion rates Increase your direct bookings, convert travelers into guests straight from your website.

Streamline your Hotel loyalty management and diversify dynamic pricing with Google experiences.

See example hotel sites in action

Booking Engine without competition

Growing direct easily with a booking button.

No installation

It’s a cloud-based system that can be easily integrated on your website using simple JavaScript code (or Plugin if you use WordPress).

Direct Booking Technology - No hidden fees

Take online reservations directly from your website, commission-free.


Many customizable general information: check in time, check out time, Privacy info, Sales policy, Payment Policy, Cancellation Policy per Rate + specific policies for specific periods, Pictures, Meal Services, Extra Services, Prices per room, per occupancy or per person with all discounts and charges. Colors/fonts can be easily customized via custom CSS.

Dynamic discounts

Based on length of stay, number of available rooms, days between reservation and check-in (e.g. for First minute or Last minute) All discounts can have advanced conditions like device (mobile/not-mobile), country, language.

Powerful and Customizable

Our booking engine fully integrates into your web site brand awareness - dynamically not using IFRAME. Guest stays at your main domain and see header/menu/footer same as on any other page. This leads to FULL Brandawareness and GREATEST Guest Trust.


Support for creating and managing coupons - codes with special discounts for specific period (e.g. used for Travel Agencies and Partners). Coupons can have advanced features like specific stay period, specific rates, specific packages.

All types of properties supported

We support displaying multiple properties on one booking page – e.g. for chains, owners with multiple properties, or web sites working like OTA.

We support Hotels, B&Bs, Hostels, Campsites, Vacant Rentals, …

UpSell/CrossSell, dynamic prices

With UpSell functionalities, you can increase the average length of stay (ALOS), as well as increase the total revenue (TRevPar).

A slightly different Loyalty System

The guest receives information about Loyalty discount immediately after entering his email address in 2nd Step of Reservation process.

How an online booking engine turns browsers
into buyers.

Advanced and intuitive booking calendar

Drive more bookings with a flexible date calendar that gives guests the ability to book multiple rooms in a single reservation.

Simple payment processing

Streamline your payment process with your Payment gateway. We support more than 12 most popular Payment gateways in the Region. If your Payment gateway is not on our list we will integrate with them for free.

Booking engine visible by Google Free booking search

Receive Free booking links from Google search – only Google Hotel certified booking engine can be connected with Google to receive free booking links when guest is searching for accommodation on Google.

Ability to connect with Google Ads to receive even more traffic from Google and opportunity to get direct reservations without commission.

Your booking engine turns guests into fans.

Automated guest notifications

Create customised guest communications and build a relationship with your guests, even before they arrive.

Add optional extras and special offers

Increase your revenue and inspire guest loyalty with extras, add-ons, extended stay discounts as well as early bird and last minute deals.

Boost Direct Bookings At 0% Commissions

Google Certified

WBP Booking Engine is an online tool that allows you to take more direct reservations from guests on your website, via social media channels, and via metasearch sites. The main purpose is to reduce your reliance on third-party booking sites, gain greater control of your guest relationships, and give travelers an easy and secure way to make a booking. WB P MAXIMIZE your hotel’s direct revenue, guest loyalty, and profit.

Your business greatly benefits from a booking engine by driving direct commission-free bookings and building guest loyalty. Direct bookings are key as part of a balanced direct and indirect distribution strategy that maximises revenue and occupancy. Booking engine software will also integrate seamlessly with your website and other software such as your hotel channel manager.

A wholly-branded booking engine for your hotel’s website helps you to attract, reach and convert guests directly. With the right booking engine in place:

  • You can increase conversions with a simple guest booking experience
  • You can save time with quick and easy setup
  • You can eliminate manual data entry with instant integration
  • You can make better decisions with data
  • You can build a personal relationship with your guests

Ultimately you’ll improve your occupancy, reputation, and bottom line.